Yesterday afternoon, we received about twenty young footballers from the training center of Stade de Reims.
The reason for their coming? The third edition of the Open Football Club, of which ONACVG is a partner.
The Open Football Club is a civic and cultural program with the objective of offering interventions of associations or cultural structures to young people from professional football training centers and aspiring centers.
here, ONACVG’s action revolved around the history of football through contemporary conflicts.
Within the Ossuaire, they received explanations on the foundations of the monument and followed a ceremony honoring 9 footballers and a coach missing on the battlefields of Verdun. A bouquet was deposited by the young people on each cenotaph concerned.
The soldier BATARD François, player of the good guys of Bordeaux disappeared in the wood of Caillette.
The soldier LEHOUSSU Jules, player of the Athletic and Friendly Union of Clichy, disappeared in the wood of the Caillette.
The soldier BEUCHER André, player of the Stella Club of Anjou, disappeared in the trench of Calonne.
The soldier BOROT Gaston, player of the Athletic Club of Pontarlier, disappeared in Douaumont.
The soldier PONCELET André, player of the Olympic Lille, disappeared in Douaumont.
Private RAMBOUR Maurice, player of the Football Club of Rouen, disappeared in Fleury in front of Douamont.
Private ROBILLARD Louis Narcisse, player of the Lorette Sports Club, disappeared in the Bois des Corbeaux.
The soldier VIEZ Fernand, player of the Stade Amiénois, disappeared in Louvemont.
The soldier CHEVARIN Emile, trainer of the Sports Union of Montech, disappeared to the Dead Man.
The soldier Walker Léon, player of the Olympic Lille, disappeared in Thiaumont.